New Year. New You.
The new year is a great time to instill new habits and commit to your health. A great way to start is by caring for your diet and what you put in your body. We’ve gathered some helpful tips that can benefit your overall health, even for those with a busy schedule.
Start your day with a healthy breakfast. If you work during the day, try waiting until 9am to start fueling your body and try to stop eating after 6pm. It’s common to skip breakfast when you’re busy, or as a way to lose weight, but it can actually have the opposite effect. According to Rush University Medical Center, the first meal of the day helps kick your metabolism into gear so you can break down energy throughout the day. It also gives you fuel to energize your body so you’re awake and alert.
High-fiber breakfasts can help you keep your commitment to have a healthy lunch, dinner, and snacks. Try something easy to mix up, like:
- Smoothie made with ½ cup whole, fresh, or frozen fruit, 1 tbsp natural nut butter, 1 tbsp ground flax seeds, 1 cup of baby spinach or ½ cup cooked cauliflower or cooked zucchini, and a plant-based milk or 2% dairy milk as liquid base.
- 1 cup cooked whole oats + 2 tbsp hemp hearts + 1 tbsp chia seeds + ½ cup blueberries
- Sandwich on whole grain bread with 40g cheese + handful sprouts + ½ cup baby kale or spinach + ½ avocado
You can find more recipe ideas to start your day and create healthy meal plans here.
Eating better doesn’t necessarily mean cutting all the treats you love; it can also mean incorporating fresher foods and adding more greens into your diet in place of artificial or processed foods. Portion control is one of the keys to healthy eating. Next time you’re at the grocery store, challenge yourself to shop along the edges in the produce, deli, and bakery rather than buying from boxes and freezers. Avoid subscribing to a different diet fad every week and work on eating better quality, fresher foods in smaller portions. There are no magic answers to weight loss, but eating healthy is a great way to start!
The key to a healthy diet is finding a balance that helps you maintain energy and eat when your body needs it. Snacks aren’t always a bad thing. They help keep your metabolism going and can help provide energy boosts throughout your day. They also help to curb extreme hunger that can result in overeating. There are plenty of healthy snacks that are easy to take on the go such as fruit, nuts, and non-processed whole grain granola bars. If you’re in the habit of high-calorie or fatty food or snacks, reduce how often you eat them or save them as an occasional treat.
Drinking water is one of the most important ways to give your body what it needs. Hydration isn’t just for when you sweat. It fuels your muscles, lubricates your joints and tissues, and gets rid of wastes throughout your body. How much water should you drink daily? The ideal (without medical conditions like severe kidney disease or heart failure), is 15.5 cups for males and 11.5 cups for females.
Not a fan of drinking plain water? In 1998, the United States averaged 54 gallons of soda consumed per person while only 42 gallons of water. There are a variety of flavored water packs and healthy drinks options, just watch for the amount of sugar you’re consuming! The goal is below ten grams per day.
Can’t give up soda? Try replacing at least one soda a day with sparkling water to help you wean off of it. Your body’s method of ingesting artificial sweeteners can make your brain think it’s hungry for more. Soda and sugary drinks are one of the culprits of weight gain as well as afternoon energy crashes. Be careful not to fall into the trap of diet-sodas. There’s increasing evidence they may participate in development of varying health issues with the gut and can even impact your vision.
Good nutrition, diet, and hydration are vital to keeping your body running healthily. Set achievable goals for yourself and expand from there. Try adding something healthy and remove something unhealthy every day. Stick with it for a few weeks and you’ll be surprised just how fast good nutrition can a healthy habit.
Here at Southwest Orlando Family Medicine, we wish you a year of good health. If you ever have questions or concerns, you can always Book An Appointment or contact us through the Patient Portal.
Clinician Contributor:
Sources: “The Science Behind Breakfast,” “How Much Water Do People Drink?,” “11 Simple Health Habits Worth Adopting Into Your Life”
Disclaimer: All information presented on this website is intended for informational purposes only and not intended to replace your individual medical advice. Please review this information with your clinical team to ensure it’s appropriate for your individual medical needs. The information contained is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.